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Project ECHO ® was created at the University of New Mexico by Dr. Sanjeev Arora to meet the needs of New Mexicans.  Today, Project ECHO ® collaborates to tackle the world’s greatest challenges with a focus on serving the marginalized communities. The Project ECHO ® model has evolved and scaled across disciplines, empowering global change in health, education and civics.


Project ECHO ® is a movement focused on moving knowledge with the belief that knowledge is a social good that should be available to everyone – as opposed to monopolized within institutional and disciplinary silos.  The right knowledge, at the right place, at the right time can change lives.  Project ECHO partners with organizations across the globe to empower local communities to access expert knowledge wherever they live. 

Welcome to

The MCRC Reentry ECHO was developed in the early 2020 through the Services Workgroup.  The workgroup recognized an opportunity to improve information and expertise among providers serving justice involved individuals and their families.  The Services Workgroup desired their work to have reach beyond the members of MCRC.  Initial goals included gaining understanding of what providers in other counties and states are doing and to gain information and data with regards to best practices.  The Project ECHO® model aligns with the MCRC’s values to educate and empower.

Each ECHO session follows a consistent format created by Project ECHO ® that is integral to the ECHO model.  The format is premised on the spirit of “All Teach, All Learn” to empower all participants (Hub Team and Learners) to share their expertise and fully in engage in the community of practice.  The format is as follows:

The ECHO starts with welcome and introductions to foster community and connection. 

The ECHO Lead/Facilitator will provide an overview of the agenda and introduce presenters.

The brief lecture is an opportunity for the community of practice to share information and/or best practice related to a particular topic. The Brief Lecture is approximately 30 minutes.

The case presentation is a co-learning opportunity.  Learners are able to present on an issue or challenge for peer support and recommendations.*

Session Overview

Welcome & Introductions

Brief Lecture

Case Presentation

*Note: Identifiable information should never be included during the case presentation. Case presentations are reviewed in advance to ensure that indefinable information is not shared.

The MCRC ECHO is held on the 

LAST Tuesday of the month

9:00am EST

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